Tuesday, October 23, 2018


When you add adjectives and adverbs to a sentence, it becomes more interesting here are some helpful hints and steps to follow.
You can begin a sentence with a subject that tells what he/she/it did.

The girls laughed.
Girls' is the subject and laughed' is what they did.
Now add an adjective to the subject.

1. The five girls laughed.

Add another adjective to say something more about the five girls.

2. The five naughty girls laughed.

Add an adverb to the verb. How did They Laugh?

3. The Five naughty girls laughed loudly.

Add more words that tell when, where how or why.

The five naughty girls laughed loudly during the interval.(When)
The five naughty girls laughed loudly In the Class Room. (Where)
The five naughty girls laughed loudly. (How)

Add suitable adjective and adverbs to the following sentences and enjoy the fun.
1. The teacher smiled.
Say something about the teacher.
Is he tall, fat, kind, strict or lenient?
How did he smile?

2. The monster growled.
Say something about the monster how did he growl?

3. The pipe burst.
What was the pipe carrying?
How did it burst?

4. The players won.
Are they cricket or volleyball players? Did they win easily?
5. A kangaroo jumped.
Was it a baby kangaroo? (Gooey)
How did it jump?

6. The telephone rang.
Was it a land or a mobile phone?
Did it ring continuously? When did it ring?

7. The bottle leaked.
Was it a bottle of water?
When did it leak?

8. The doors slammed.
What kind of doors were they?
How did they slam?

9. The water splashed.
Was it clean or muddy water? When did it splash?

10. The ship arrived. Was it a passenger or cargo ship?
When did it arrive?

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