Monday, October 22, 2018

Learn English "Past Perfect Tense"

Past perfect tense
The past perfect tense is formed with 'had' and the past participle of the verb Affirmative
I had worked (First person singular)
You had worked (Second person singular)
He had worked Third person singular)
We had worked (First person on plural)
They had worked Third person plural)
plural) You had worked (Second per

I had not worked.
You had not worked.
He had not worked
you had not worked
We had not worked.
They had not worked.

Had I worked?
Had you worked?
Had he worked?
Had we worked?
Had you worked?
Had they worked?

Negative interrogative
Had I not worked?
Had you not worked?
Had he not worked?
Had we not worked?
Had you not worked?
Had they not worked?

Negative interrogative contracted
Hadn't I worked?
Hadn't you worked?
Hadn't he worked?
Hadn't we worked?
Hadn't you worked?
Hadn't they worked?

·         The past perfect tense is the past equivalent of the present perfect tense.
When I came home mother had left
He had lost his purse and had to borrow money from me.

·         The past perfect tense can be used with 'since', 'for', and  ‘always’

Anura had been a clerk since he was twenty.
Susila had waited at the bus halt for half an hour when her sister turned up.
Saman had always been an athlete until he fell ill.

·         The past perfect tense is used when the subject looks back on an earlier action.

My father had advised me not to seek employment until I was 22
I had just poured a cup of coffee when the doorbell rang
·         We use past perfect tense for the first action which led to the second action.
We usually use 'when' for this purpose.
When the soldier had opened fire, the terrorist ran for cover.
When he had finished the painting he sat down..
When I had seen all the exhibits I left the hall.
·         We use the past perfect tense to emphasis the completion of an action.
The beggar refused to leave till he had received a donation.
He did not rise from his seat till we had finished eating.
Before we had reached the cinema, the show started.

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