Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Beginners should be familiar with the use of 'am, is' and 'are. Today let's learn how to use them in positive and negative sentences.

1.       I am a student (First person singular)
2.       You are a student (Second person singular).
3.       He is a student Third person singular)

4.       We are students (First person plural)
5.       You are students (Second person plural)
6.       They are students (Third person plural)

1.       I am not a student
2.       You are not a student
3.       He is not a student
4.       We are not students
5.       You are not students
6.       They are not students

Some more examples
A: Can you come and play with me?
B: Sorry, I'm busy with my studies

1.       I'm 12 years old.
2.       My brother is 15
3.       My father is a journalist.
4.       He is of medium height.
5.       Doreen is afraid of snakes.
6.       It’s 8 o'clock.
7.       You're late. My clothes are dirty.
8.       I must wash them.
9.       We are tired but we're not hungry.
10.   Samson is not interested in cricket.
11.   Mother isn't at home.
12.   She has gone shopping.
13.   We aren't Chinese.
14.   We're Sri Lankans.
Note the contractions
1.       Is not: isn't
2.       Are not: aren't
3.       There is: there's
4.       Here is: here's
5.       That is: that's

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